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At Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School, we want all children to experience the joy of being able to express themselves imaginatively through a variety of mediums, materials and experiences. We aim for art in school to give children the opportunity to develop new and original is ideas of their own alongside the competencies needed in a number or skills, processes, tools and materials; a growing understanding of how art and design reflects and expresses culture; and an ability to critically reflect on their own work and that of others. 




We will aspire to give children regular access to art and craft activities which are both stand alone as well as cross curricular with other subjects. Art is taught as part of our topic based approach to learning In addition to this, we have an annual arts week that is planned around a given theme. We have also used the ‘Take One Picture’ resources as a stimulus. In Early Years Foundation Stage, art, craft and design will be accessed through continuous provision activities. Older children have access to sketch books to try out their ideas and skills and we aim to ensure this is as an important part of the creative process as the final product.  We aim for:


  • In most topics children have the opportunity to look at art work and  other artists
  • A range of drawing, painting and 3D to take place every year
  • Planning to take into consideration the outdoor environment, architects and designers, SMSC in art
  • Specific, clear goals linked to the National Curriculum and school’s skills progression documents.  Time for gathering ideas and experimenting  - a key part of the creative process

Implementation of Art and Design at Hurstbourne Tarrant



During their learning journey at Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School,  we hope that the children will discover the confidence not only to express themselves artistically, to the best of their ability in a variety of ways , but also to develop themselves as positive critics of their own work and that of famous artists. Artwork is evidenced across the school on displays as well as within KS2 sketch books. We encourage children to think about continuously in Art – what they are pleased with, what they like, what they want to get better at.  Our children enjoy art and like to share and discuss their work. Specific skills are assessed by the teacher in assessments at the end of a unit of work.
