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At Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education)  is a key part of what we do throughout the school on a daily basis. We use the One Decision programme of study for PSHE education. Our PSHE curriculum also aims to develop children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being, and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for others. This curriculum also encourages pupils to develop key personal, thinking and learning skills which they need to function as effective members of society and in the workplace. These include co-operation and team work; self-management; independent enquiry; reflective learning and creative thinking. This skills link directly to our Learning Toolbox. Our aim is to teach all young people in our care to become:


  • successful learners who enjoy learning, making progress and achieving their goals
  • confident and happy individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
    Pupils’ personal development helps them to learn and achieve. It enables them to understand and acquire for themselves:
  • the skills and confidence to maximise their achievements
  • principles for distinguishing between right and wrong, considering issues of justice and injustice
  • knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own beliefs and cultures, and those of others
  • enduring values, integrity and autonomy to help them become responsible and caring citizens capable of contributing to the development of a just society
  • the ability to challenge racism, discrimination and stereotyping
  • an awareness and understanding of the environments in which they live
  • the ability, as consumers, to make informed judgements and decisions, and to understand their rights and responsibilities
  • Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
    High quality RSE helps create safe school communities in which pupils can grow, learn, and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life. Schools maintain a statutory obligation to promote their pupils’ wellbeing and under the Education Act (1996) to prepare children and young people for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult life. A comprehensive RSE programme can have a positive impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing and their ability to achieve, and can play a crucial part in meeting these obligations. Our RSE curriculum enables pupils to:
  • Develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and
  • Make sense of the world around them, to develop the skills to express their own views and make their own informed choices
  • Name parts of the body and describe how their bodies work
  • Protect themselves and others and ask for help and support
  • Be prepared for puberty. 

Implementation of PSHE at Hurstbourne Tarrant
