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Christian Vision

Our School's Christian Vision

Through ‘Love of Learning, Love of Life, Love of Christ,’ we aim to ensure that our school is a place which enables children to fulfil their journey together in mutual respect within an environment that enables children to have a positive purpose in life being true to themselves and others.




Our School Values

We have 5 school Christian values:

Respect – valuing each other and celebrating differences.

Effort – always trying our best.

Aim High – setting ourselves new challenges.

Care and Love –  selfless service to others, putting others before ourselves.

Honesty – living with integrity, saying what we mean and mean what we’re saying.




Collective Worship 

There is a daily act of Collective Worship at our school.

Monday: Mr. Sullivan delivers Collective Worship to begin our week.

Tuesday: Class Collective Worship delivered by class teachers.

Wednesday: Whole School worship delivered by Mr Dee.

Thursday: Whole School Worship delivered by Rev. Julie Howell and the Pastrow Benefice team at St. Peter's Church.

Friday: Celebration Worship delivered by Mr. Dee to celebrate, reflect and to end our week.


We have a four year cycle for Collective Worship that focuses on a particular theme each term. Please find the Long Term Overview for Collective Worship below.

Collective Worship Long Term Overview
