Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School is a rural school situated in the beautiful village of Hurstbourne Tarrant in North West Hampshire. The catchment area of the school is the village and much of the rural area to the north. The school enjoys close links with the village community, including the St Peter’s Church which is directly opposite the school, and many members of the village make welcome contribution to the life of the school.
We are rightly proud of the standards we achieve, not only in the core areas of Mathematics, English and Science but in our confident use of technology and in our commitment to a broad and balanced creative curriculum. We believe that music, sport, art and drama should play a significant part in the life of the school. Our parental support is exceptional and children are helped at home with their sporting and cultural interests and homework.
Our Parent Association, known as the Friends of Hurstbourne Tarrant School Association, organise an annual programme of social events for the children and parents and raises a lot of money each year for the school. The biggest event is the annual ‘Summer Fayre’, which is held in early June. During our most recent parent survey it was noted that Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School 'creates a kind, nurturing environment where the older children look after the younger ones and where kindness towards each other is highly valued'.
A strength of the school is the way technology is being used to improve the quality of learning in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. This technology offers scope for helping children become active participants in their own learning, thus increasing their motivation and retention. Pupils have access to a rich and varied curriculum. This includes school productions, arts weeks, a wide range of peripatetic musical intrument teaching, a variety of sporting opportunities and a large number of extra-curricular activities. The Headteacher is proactive in forming links with other local primary and secondary schools, to allow greater curriculum choice and possibilities.
More information about our school can be found in the prospectus.