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Prayer is a key element of Collective Worship and the children join in daily prayer with a candle prayer to open our worship and the Lord’s Prayer and The Grace to close it.  We encourage our children to reflect using the Self, Others, Beauty and Beyond framework developed by Andrew Ricketts.



Spiritual learners become increasingly aware of the concept of self – the inner person and the way that this shapes an individual’s perception of themselves as a unique human being. Spiritual learners reflect on the relationship that they have with their sense of being a unique person.



Spiritual learners become increasingly aware of the concept of others – a growing empathy, concern and compassion for how to treat others. Spiritual learners reflect on how their values and principles affect their relationships with others.



Spiritual learners become increasingly aware of the concept of a physical and creative world – a growing relationship with beauty through the ability to respond emotionally to experiences of the wonder of the natural world and the results of human creativity. Spiritual learners explore their understanding beauty and the affect this has on their perception of and relationship with the world.



Spiritual learners become increasingly aware of the concept of the beyond – a growing relationship with the transcendental and the ability to explore experiences beyond the everyday. Spiritual learners search for meaning in their very existence and their place in the greater scheme of things.
