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2023 Whole School Data

              Fabulous 2023 Results!

Last week, the Andover Advertiser published the school league tables. I am pleased to announce, that based on last year’s Year 6 cohort, we are the second highest attaining school in the Andover area.


I am incredibly proud of these results, especially in reading. The children simply performed brilliantly! I would like to thank all the staff and parents for their hard work in supporting our children achieve these wonderful results. Please find below a summary of last year’s attainment data. There is a more detailed analysis of the data on our website.


In Early Years: 87% reached a Good Level of Development.

Y1 Phonic Screening: 80%  met the expected standard.


In Key Stage 1: 87% met the expected standard in reading with 60% achieving Greater Depth.

80% met the expected standard in Writing with 27% achieving Greater Depth.

87% met the expected standard with 37% achieving Greater Depth.


In Key Stage 2: 93%  met the expected standard in reading with 71% achieving  a ‘high score’.

93% met the expected standard in writing with 43% achieving Greater Depth.

93% met the expected standard in Maths with  50% achieving a ‘high score’.




