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Welcome to Spring Class!


Spring Class are taught by Miss Charles and Mrs Curd. This is our Early Years class so the children spend their very first year at our school in Spring Class. If you look below, you will see some of the wonderful learning Spring Class have completed last year. To find this year's learning please click on the topic links below!

Art Week


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Summer 2- Under the Sea


Our final topic for Spring Class this half term will be 'Under the Sea'. During this topic, we will be looking at lots of different sea animals and creatures and the children will have lots of opportunities to learn about them. 


On Wednesday 26th June, we will be visiting Bournemouth Oceanarium, where the children will be guided around by a member of staff who will tell them lots about the animals they have there. On this day, we will be leaving at 9am and aiming to be back around 3pm. If for any reason we are running behind schedule, I will contact the school office and they will let you all know. For this trip, if you could ensure your child has sun cream applied in the morning, a sun hat and a water bottle (fingers crossed the weather will be nice!). We also would ask if you could kindly provide your child with a lunch in a labelled paper/carrier bag, which can be thrown away once they have finished eating it. This just minimises the amount of things they have to hold/look after on the day. The children do not need to bring money with them as we will be unable to visit the gift shop (it is card only). Closer to the time of the trip, I will send an email out to you all with all of the information. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


Our outcome will take place on Wednesday 17th July at 2.30pm. This will be a lovely opportunity for you to see some of the art work your child had produced during our topic. 


We hope you have all had a wonderful May half term and we are looking forward to seeing your children on Tuesday 4th June for  Art Week. 


The Day the Chick's Came to Spring Class


The 13th May was a very exciting day in Spring Class. Jo from Living Eggs delivered 10 very special eggs to our classroom. We put them in an incubator to keep them nice and warm. We only had to wait two days and something magical happened! During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, 7 chicks hatched! When the children came in, they were so excited. Only a day later, the rest of the eggs hatched, which meant we had 10 happy, health and noisy chicks! We had 4 girl chicks and 6 boy chicks. We could tell this as the brown ones are girls and the yellow ones are boys. 


They had a brief overnight stay at Miss Gelderd's house (she had to put them in the spare room, away from her two cats!) and then they continued to stay with Mr Price until he brought them back to school on Monday 20th May. All of the children in the school enjoyed popping in and seeing the chicks grow and almost everyone got hold one too! The chicks stayed with us until 24th May, when Jo came back to collect them, where she took them back to a big farm to grow up.

Time Lapse of a Chick Hatching

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Babies, Toddlers and Now


Thank you so much to everyone for sending in pictures of your child at birth, as a toddler and now. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their pictures and it quickly became a highlight of our day when we had received new pictures. The children enjoyed talking about how they had changed with Miss Rist.


During this part of our topic, we looked at what babies need to survive and grow and I have to say the children knew so much! They knew lots about what babies can and can't eat, as well as what they need to wear and things they might like to play with. Some children even knew that babies only see in black and white when they are first born! It was lovely to see the children who have younger siblings, draw on their own experiences. We were also very lucky to have Mrs Willis pop in to visit us and she brought Freddie, who is around 9 months old. The children enjoyed asking lots of questions about what he liked to do and what he liked to eat! We also explored how toddlers are different to babies and then how the children were different to toddlers. 


In maths, we have been looking at 3D shapes and spotting these in the environment. We have also been looking at shapes within shapes, using mathematical language such as 'rotate' to talk about how shapes do this. 


In phonics, we have continued to consolidate our set two phonics sounds and have continued to practice our reading and comprehension skills. 


We have begun daily writing with the children. We ask them to generate their own sentences from a picture in their writing books and have a go as independently as possible at writing it. We have been so impressed with the children's efforts and how their writing has progressed since April!

The Tiny Seed

This week in Spring Class, we have been looking the story of 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle. The story follows a tiny seed, who braves different terrains through the seasons, finally landing somewhere, where it can grow and thrive. 


The children have had a go at growing their own sunflower seeds and they have also written instructions on how do plant them! The children have also helped weed the garden ready for fresh new seeds and taken care of their plants by watering them regularly (when the rain hasn't done this for them!). 


Spring Class have completed lots of activities linked to the story and they have been able to share their knowledge on how plants and seeds grow. 


In our math lessons, we have been looking at 3D shapes, in particular cylinders, cubes, cuboids, spheres, cones and square based pyramids. We went out into the outdoor area and found as many items as we can that represent these shapes. In phonics, we have continued to learn and consolidate our set 2 phonics sounds. A sound mat is on our topic overview, in the folder marked 'watch us grow'. In PE, we have started a new topic of 'skatter ball' where the children have been developing their accuracy when throwing a ball and ensuring that they throw the ball into an open space. 

Summer 1: Watch us Grow


Our new topic this half term is called 'Watch us Grow'. During this topic, we look closely at what flowers need to grow and thrive. We will have a go at growing our own plants too. If you have any spare gardening tools or watering cans that you would not mind us using, please could you let Miss Gelderd know. We also look at Eric Carle, who is our focused author.


Towards the end of the topic, we will be focusing on how the children have grown and changed since birth. Please could you send the children in with three pictures: one at birth, one as a toddler and one as they are now. If you do not have a printer, please do not worry! If you would like to send them to our school email address, which is: we can print them off. If you can title it 'Watch us Grow Pictures', Mrs Tilley will know exactly what they are for. If we could kindly ask for these by Friday 10th May, so that we can use them in the following week. I will send this out in an email after the Easter break.


If you have any questions at all, as always do not hesitate to ask. Our class outcome will be on Tuesday 21st May at 2.30pm. 



In our last week of term, we focused on Easter and the Easter story. We learnt about Palm Sunday and how Jesus made his way to Jerusalem on his donkey. To help is remember this part of the story, we dressed up and acted little bits out. We then continued to learn about the Easter story, including how Jesus' friend and disciple Judas betrayed him and how Jesus rose again. We talked about symbols we might see around Easter time, including eggs to show new life and the cross. The children made links to seeing crosses on 'hot cross buns' and we all had a go a trying them. 


In the classroom, we had lots of Easter activities. Some of these including finding different ways to make 10 using toy chickens, making and writing our Easter cards and using playdough to make Easter scenes. During this week, the Easter bunny made an appearance during lunch time and the children saw them running across the field! On the last day of term, the Easter Bunny had visited again and hidden lots of eggs for the children to find in the hall! The children also enjoyed making chocolate Easter nests as well as making Easter headbands. In the afternoon, we all went into the hall for our annual Easter Bizarre! 


We hope you've all had a wonderful Easter Break and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 16th April 2024. Our new topic will be 'Watch us Grow'. 

People Who Help Us: Doctors, Nurses, Vets and Dentists


Dentists: On one of the days, we looked at dentists. The children knew lots already and could talk about some of the things they had seen from their own experiences of going to the dentist, such as the dentists special mirrors they use to look into people's mouths and the special chair you sit in. We then watched a video about Ava, who was making her first trip to the dentist ( ). The children then enjoyed taking part in dentists themed activities including brushing pen off some dirty teeth, organising and sorting food that are good and bad for your teeth and making their own tooth fairy doors. 


Doctors and Nurses: On another day, we looked at doctors and nurses. We talked about where we might find doctors and nurses (in hospital's and GP surgery's etc) and how they can help us. We talked about some of the equipment they use, such as a stethoscope to listen to patients hearts and other things like gloves to make sure they are protecting themselves and others from germs. We then watched a video that followed Dr. Dave, who was a doctor in Edinburgh ( ) and he spoke about his role. The children then enjoyed lots of doctors and nurses activities, including dressing up and running their own surgeries. The children explore the gloves and real bandages, using them to bandage up their friends!


Vets: During our topic, we looked at Vets. We watched a video, which followed Lachlan going to explore what being a vet entails ( The children then enjoyed nursing our pet toys back to health!

People Who Help Us: Maintenance Engineers


We had a very exciting visit from Mr Tuson, who is a maintenance engineer. In his role, he uses lots of tools to fix things that are broken and ensure that it is safe for people to carry on working. 


Mr Tuson spoke to us about his uniform. He had special boots with a metal toe, so that his feet would be protected if anything fell on them. He also showed us his high visibility jacket, which allows others to clearly see him. He also had a special hat (it looked like a baseball cap) that was very hard, so that he did not hurt his head if anything fell on him. He also talked about keeping his lanyard tucked in his shirt, so that it does not get caught in any of his tools. Anyone with long hair has to tie it back for the same reason. He also showed us special red and white tape and explained that this was so show everyone that they cannot come through as it might not be safe. 


Mr Tuson then showed the children some of the special tools that he uses. He also brought some wood and some screws, so that the children could have a go at using the screwdrivers. The children listened and engaged so well and followed all the safety instructions Mr Tuson gave us. Some of the tools were very noisy, which took some children by surprise. However, everyone had a go at unscrewing and screwing the screws into the wood. 

People Who Help Us: A Visit from Sergeant Perry and his Police Car!


Sergeant Perry from Hampshire Police paid us a very special visit. He came to talk to us about how he and the police keep people safe and help people in need. The children had lots of questions about his role, including the types of things that he did. He told us he helps people if they are lost and how he helps people if there has been an accident. He talked about working with other services that help us, such as the ambulance service and the fire service. 


Sergeant Perry talked to the children about his uniform and some of the things that he has to have with him all the time, such his radio and special body camera. Then he took the children outside to show them his police car!


All the children had a go at sitting in the back. They were very excited when they found out that this is where the 'bad guys' sit! The children listened so beautifully and continued to ask lots of questions to find out more about Sergeant Perry's role. 


During the day, the children enjoyed dressing up as police officers and they used their detective skills to work out who had been into our classroom over the weekend and left a mess in the home corner!

People Who Help Us: Our Visit from Hampshire Fire and Rescue


We were extremely lucky to have a visit from Jo, who works for Hampshire Fire and Rescue. She came to talk to us about being safe when it comes to fires and what we should do in the event of a fire. The children's prior knowledge was excellent and they already knew that you call 999 in an emergency and ask for the fire service.


Jo spoke to us about matches and lighters and how if we find them, we should always tell an adult, so that they can move or dispose of it safely. She also taught us some signs that go along with a rhyme to help us remember. 


In her bag, Jo had the special uniform that fire fighters wear to keep themselves safe. These included special boots, trousers, gloves and a tunic that protects the person who is wearing it from the fire. They also have a very strong and sturdy hat with a visor to protect their head, especially when going into buildings. Miss Gelderd had a go at trying this on!


During the day, Spring Class enjoyed lots of fire fighter themed activities, including helping the Beebot fire engines get to the fire by programming them, labelling parts of a fire engine and lots of fire fighter role play!

World Book Day 2024

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. The children all looked amazing in their costumes and it was lovely to hear why the were dressed as who they were. As a school we looked at the heritage text 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. I showed the children a small clip from the Narnia film, where the children were playing hide and seek. During this time, Lucy discovered the wardrobe, opened the door and entered Narnia. We continued to watch until she met Mr Tumnus. The children had some lovely ideas and used their inference skills to discuss things they had seen, for example why Mr Tumnus was shaking. The children then enjoyed some Lion theme activities and took part in a parade with the rest of the school before lunch. At the end of the day, the children then picked a story they wanted to listen too. These stories were read by a number of different members of staff. 


To begin our topic on Superheroes, we looked at the Supertato series. To set the topic off, the children came into the classroom from Monday morning worship to find a leek taped to the board, which a speech bubble shouting 'help!'. The children quickly spotted the two Evil Pea's who were hiding in the room!


The children have absolutely loved all of the different stories and have enjoyed finding out what mischief the Evil Pea has been getting up to. We have been very busy in Spring Class and here are just some of the things we have been doing:

- Making traps for the Evil Pea using junk modelling

- Building and constructing 'Getaway' vehicles for the Evil Pea and his pea army

- Making our own Evil Peas from green playdough

- Designing and creating a new hat for cucumber 

- Making our own Supertatoes from baby potatoes

- Making our own superhero masks

- Writing what we would say to the Evil Pea

- Reviewing our favourite stories

- Making Hamma Bead super veggies

- Programming Beebots to move in different directions and escape the Melonbot and Evil Pea.


We have changed our role play to a school and the children have enjoyed playing together and acting out their own school lives. 


We have also looked at healthy foods and the children tried a variety of different fruits such as Papaya, Passion Fruit and Pomegranate. Some of which the children told me they had never tried before. I was so impressed with the children's confidence to try new things and some discovered new fruits that they liked!


In our math lessons, we have been looking at length and height and beginning to explore the numbers 9 and 10 in more depth.

Spring 2: Superheroes!

This half term, we will be exploring the topic of superheroes. Our topic will start with Supertato and progress to look at 'real life' superheroes who help us. During this topic, we are also expecting a few visits from some real life superheroes! If you are  someone who helps us and you would like to come and talk to the children, please speak to Miss Gelderd or email the school office. The email address is

The Gingerbread Man

This week, Spring Class looked at the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. This was clearly a popular story among the children, which meant they were able to enjoy joining in with the story itself. 


During our look at the Gingerbread man, the children took part in a variety of different activities. Some of these included making and baking their own gingerbread men, decorating a gingerbread man with small parts using tweezers, painting characters and making their own Gingerbread man game. 


For our outcome, we retold the story of the Gingerbread man. The children changed the characters and the ending. Some of the characters included the big bad wolf, Goldilocks, Superman and a pirate!


In our math lessons, we continued to look at mass and capacity and beginning to develop a deeper understanding of numbers 6,7 and 8. In Phonics, we continued to consolidate our knowledge of our set 1 sounds and practicing our 'Fred talk' for reading. 

Little Red Riding Hood


At the start of the week, the children came in after lunch to find crime scene tape on the interactive white board and a letter addressed to Spring Class. A very excited Spring Class opened up the letter and found that it was from a detective! The detective needed their help as items from a very well-known story had been stolen. The first clue sent  the children to the wooden playhouse outside. The hunt for clues sent us all around the school, including to Mr Dee's office, where there were grey fluffy ears and a tail! Eventually after gathering up all the evidence, the children concluded that the story was Little Red Riding Hood!


The children enjoyed a variety of different Little Red Riding Hood themed activities, including painting characters from the story, writing shopping lists for Granny and dressing up as characters from the story. We have also explored a number of alternative Little Red Riding Hood stories, including 'Little Red' and 'Little Red Reading Hood'.


In our math lessons this week, we have been looking at Mass and Capacity, focusing on heavier than and lighter than. In phonics, we have continued to consolidate the sounds we have learnt and practice our 'Fred talk' when reading words.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

To begin our topic of 'Huff, Puff and Gruff. Once Upon a Time', we looked at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children were left clues from the story such as three different size chairs, three different size bowls and spoons as well as some porridge. The children were very quick to draw on what they knew and worked out the story. 


The children have completed a variety of different activities, including making their own story maps to help Mr Dee remember the story. We have explored the story further through our continuous provision, including using oaty porridge and building new chairs for Baby Bear out of different materials. The children have painted their favourite things from the story as well as making 'stop' signs for Goldilocks, to try and stop her from entering the cottage. 


Later on this week, we made our own porridge, using Mummy Bear's porridge recipe. The children all had a go at mixing and chopping up fruit to put on top of their porridge. The children will then write their own instructions on how to make porridge. The children also completed an experiment with Mrs Lloyd, where they had to find a good cushion filling for Baby Bears cushion, that will go on his new chair. This is following reading 'A New Chair for Baby Bear'. 


In Phonics this week, we have been practicing sounds that we are still finding a little tricky, in particular special friends 'qu', 'th', 'ch', 'ng' and 'nk'. In maths we have been exploring one more, one less and composition of numbers to 5. 

Spring Term 1: Huff, Puff and Gruff. Once Upon a Time....


It has felt very Christmassy in Spring Class this year. The children have enjoyed lots of Christmas crafts, including making their own clay Christmas decorations and hand print penguin Christmas cards. The children have also made lots of decorations for the classroom and enjoyed decorating our class Christmas tree. 


On the 1st December, we also had two special visitors join us... our Spring Class cheeky elves. They got up to all sorts of mischief, including putting themselves on the shooting star, hiding in our advent jar and pinching baubles from the tree! They also made a little trip into Summer Class and the hall on Fun Day! By the time they left us, they had doubled in numbers and we had 4 (I'm not quite sure how that happened)!


On the 12th December, Spring Class performed their nativity in St. Peter's church, along with help from our Year 6 children. They all did an amazing job and we could not be prouder! If you have any pictures of the nativity, please could you send them into , thank you! Prior to performing our nativity, as a class we have talked lots about the Christmas story. As part of some adult-led work with Miss Gelderd, the children were asked to cut out and place pictures of the story in order. We were all was so impressed with the children's knowledge and cutting skills!


The children have had an amazing first term at school and they have really taken it all in their stride. We hope they have a very well-earned Christmas break and we can't wait to see you back on the Wednesday 3rd January 2024 for our next topic of 'Huff, Puff and Gruff. Once upon a time'. 


This week in Spring Class, we have been looking at birthdays. We started off the week by reading 'Kipper's birthday' by Mick Inkpen. In this book, Kipper was preparing for his birthday party but a mishap with his birthday invitations meant that his friends were late to his party! In the back of the book, we found an invitation. This invitation was from our very own Pete the Penguin, inviting us to his birthday party. 


The children worked together to write lists of things we might need as well as making decorations and cards for the special day. The children even had to help Pete write his invitations as too much dancing at the Pantomime on Tuesday caused Pete to have a poorly wing, stopping him from writing them himself! The children also baked Pete some birthday cupcakes. We had to make sure we followed the recipe correctly and all the children had a go at weighing out ingredients and mixing them together. 


When Friday came around, the children all came to school in their own party clothes. At the party, we played lots of games including musical statues, pass the parcel and passing a balloon up and then under in teams. The children enjoyed dancing to some music before coming together and singing Pete a happy birthday. The children were then able to eat the cake they had made and Mrs Postle very kindly brought in Jelly for us to eat!


In phonics, we have continued to practice the sounds we have learnt already. All of the videos are in posts below.


In maths, we have been looking at composition of numbers up to 5. The children have explored this using a variety of practical resources, including crocheted currant buns and 5 frames and counters. 


This week in Spring Class, we have been looking at Thanksgiving. We watched a video about a boy called Caleb, who was about celebrate his first Thanksgiving with his family. It told us all about the history of Thanksgiving and how families prepare for the celebration. Here is the link to the video if you would like to watch it at home . 


In class, we have been participating in lots of Thanksgiving activities, including making our own turkey pictures from leaves, as well as Thanksgiving lanterns. We have shared all of the things we are thankful for and written these on the back of leaf rubbings we have made. On Thursday, we all dressed up and participated in a parade. After this, we tried a very special pumpkin pie, that was very kindly made for us by Mrs Bush.


In phonics this week, we have learnt some new sounds, as well as revisiting sounds we do not know as well yet. Please see the links below: 




Next week we are looking at birthdays and we will be celebrating Pete the Penguin's birthday on Friday 1st December. If you would like to share a picture of your child celebrating their birthday, please send them into school with one or alternatively, please email the school office with your child's picture and we can print these off for you. The office email is . Thank you and we hope you have a lovely weekend. 


Still image for this video

Percy the Park Keeper


This week, we focused on the author Nick Butterworth. He is very well-know for his story series of 'Percy the Park Keeper'. To begin our week, we looked at the story of 'The Lost Acorns'. In this story, it is Autumn and Percy is planting bulbs ready for Spring. Whilst doing this, we comes across Squirrel who has lost her acorns. Percy, along with the help of Mole, manage to locate them! To introduce the story to the children, we first looked at some items from the story. We had a pair of wellies, a flat cap, a mug as well as a squirrel, badger, fox and hedgehog. I asked the children where they might have seen some of these animals before in a story and many made the link back to 'The Foxes Hiccups', which is another Percy the Park Keeper tale. 


During the week, the children participated in lots of lovely activities linked to the story. These including a character hunt in our outdoor area and planting our own bulbs ready for the Spring. We changed our outdoor play house into Percy's hut and the children also painted pictures of their own woodland creatures. 


In phonics, we have been learning the following sounds. Please see the links below for more information: 








Diwali and Remembrance Day


Continuing on with our topic of 'Come and Join the Celebration', Spring Class have been looking at Diwali this week. We watched how Jessica and her family prepare for Diwali and how they celebrate this special time with their families. is the link, if you would like to have a look at home. 


The children have participated in lots of Diwali themed activities, including making Rangoli patterns with Numicon, different shapes and also coloured rice. The children also made their own Diya lamps, using clay. Once these have dried, we will paint them. 


At the latter end of the week, we looked at Remembrance day. We talked about why we see lots of poppies at this time of the year and what these represent. We also looked at some animals who have helped during the war and the children enjoyed drawing pictures of them. All of the children made a print of their hand, which we have used to make a poppy hand wreath. The children also enjoyed collaging their own poppies, using tissue paper.  


In Phonics, we have learnt y, w, v, sh. The Links to these sounds can be found below:






Bonfire Night

Our topic this term is 'Come and Join the Celebration'. In our first week back, we looked at Bonfire Night. We first watched some of the fireworks from New Years Eve in London 2022. We talked about the different colours we could see, as well as the different sounds fireworks make. Next, we looked at the history of Bonfire Night and why celebrate it on the 5th November every year. We looked at 'The Firework Poem' by James Carter and ended our week talking about firework safety and how we can keep ourself and others safe during firework celebrations. 


The children enjoyed a variety of firework themed activities, including making their own night time firework pictures as well as their own rockets. 


In phonics, we have learnt the sounds l, h, r, j. The links to these sounds can be found below:






Autumn Term 2: Come and Join the Celebration

Autumn 1: All About Me


This half term, our topic is 'All About Me'. In the first few weeks, the children brought in their 'all about me boxes' which they shared with their teachers and their peers. This was a lovely opportunity to get to know the children and find out all of the lovely things they like. The children have also drawn their own self-portraits as well as making paper plate collage faces of themselves. They have enjoyed drawing pictures of the people who are special to them and talking about this to adults. 


Just before the Harvest Festival service in St Peter's Church, we went for a walk with Summer Class to explore the church and it's grounds. We also went for a walk around Hurstbourne Tarrant and learnt a little bit about the history of our village and school.


Towards the end of the term, we took a look at the season Autumn. We read a number of beautiful autumnal stories including 'Pumpkin Soup', 'The Leaf Thief' and 'The Very Helpful Hedgehog'. The children enjoyed exploring autumnal vegetables, including finding out what is inside a pumpkin as well as finding out facts about hedgehog and making hedgehog bread. 


We have been very busy with our phonics this half term. The links to the sounds we have been learning can be found below.

















Autumn Term 1 Topic Overview 2023

Welcome to Spring Class!! 2023-2024

Spring 2- Topic Overview for Superheroes


In Spring Class this half term, we are looking at Superheroes. Within this topic, we will be looking at fictional superheroes and real-life superheroes such as Doctors, Nurses, Police officers and Firefighters (there are many many more!). Towards the end of the term, we will be changing our focus to the Easter story. Some of the focus texts that we will be looking at are:

- Supertato by Sue Hendra

- Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg

- Various non-fiction books about people who help us

The children have voted, and we have changed their indoor role play into a school. Our outdoor role play is a supermarket, which links in with our first book Supertato.


Spring Class outcome will be on Tuesday 28th March at 2.30pm. 


Spring 1- The Season of Winter


For the last few days of half term, we have looked at the season of Winter. We discussed what Winter looks and feels like, what we should wear when it is Winter and what months of the year Winter falls on. The children then went on a Winter walk, looking for signs of Winter in the school grounds.


One of the days, we looked at a book called 'A Little Bit of Winter' by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell ("A Little Bit of Winter" by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell - Read Aloud Time! - YouTube). This story is about a forgetful rabbit and a hedgehog who is just about to hibernate. The hedgehog asks the rabbit to save him a little bit of Winter as he has never seen or felt it before because he sleeps through it every year. The rabbit makes a snowball and wraps it up in leaves to stop it from melting and then he is able to give it to the hedgehog when he wakes up.


I gave the children all an ice cube in the morning and a cup. I asked them if they could use different types of materials to try and keep their ice cube as frozen as possible. The children used materials like cotton wool, feathers, leaves and newspaper. I asked the children to put them either inside or outside and in a place that they thought would keep the ice cube frozen. Towards the end of the day, we brought our cups back in to see what had happened. We found that the children that had used cotton wool and kept their cups in the shade, kept their ice cubes the most frozen. The children were all able to talk about what they had done and discuss what they might do differently next time. Great investigating Spring Class! 



Spring Class Outcome 7th February 2023

Spring 1- The Gingerbread Man


Our last focus book in our 'Huff Puff and Gruff. Once upon a Time' topic was the Gingerbread Man. The children really enjoyed this book and were able to join in with the familiar words and rhymes in the story.


Spring Class enjoyed making their own gingerbread men. The children were able to remember making porridge for Goldilocks and the Three Bears and knew that we needed a recipe to help us make our gingerbread men. They all helped weigh out the ingredients as well as stirring and binding the dough together. The children enjoyed decorating their gingerbread man with raisins and then they were ready for the oven. Luckily none of our gingerbread men ran way! 


Throughout our time looking at the Gingerbread Man, the children enjoyed joining in with a range of activities including putting on a puppet show with the characters from the story, exploring gingerbread playdough and writing what they would say to the Gingerbread Man if they were trying to catch him. The children also enjoyed creating their own version of the Gingerbread Man by dressing up and changing some of the characters in the story. Great work Spring Class! 

Spring 1- Little Red Riding Hood


After lunch one Monday afternoon, Spring Class came in to find our board taped up with crime scene tape. A letter had been left for the children from a detective asking for their help. Someone had stolen items from a very well-known traditional tale, and it was up to Spring Class to find the items and return them back to the story. Spring Class followed the clues, that took them around the school (using their magnifying glasses to help them), and they managed to retrieve all of them. Spring Class worked as a team and found that they belong to the story of Little Red Riding Hood.


During our time looking at Little Red Riding Hood, the children have taken part in a number of lovely activities including painting their own pictures of the characters from the story, pretending to be Grandma and writing speech bubbles about what she might say to the wolf and of course a lot of dressing up as the characters! 


We have also looked at an alternative story called 'Little Red', which has a very different ending to the traditional story we all know and love. Super work on this book Spring Class, well done! 

Spring Term 1- Goldilocks and the Three Bears


To begin our new topic of 'Huff, Puff and Gruff. Once upon a Time' we have looked at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. All of the children were very knowledgeable about the story already and were able to join in when we read the book. During the week we drew our own story maps, to help retell the story as well as following Mummy Bear's porridge recipe to make our own porridge.


Throughout the week, we have also read a number of alternative Goldilocks and the Three Bears stories, including 'A chair for Baby Bear' and 'Goldilocks and Just One Bear'. When we looked at 'A Chair for Baby Bear', we decided that he might need a new cushion, so the children have been exploring a number of fillings that may or may not be suitable. The children found that feathers and scarves were soft and comfy but Lego and blocks were hard and uncomfortable! 


We have also had a number of Goldilocks and the Three bears themed activities out in the classroom, including porridge playdough, oats with different sized bowls and spoons, and a small world three bears house with characters to retell the story. The children have also been very creative and painted pictures of their own bears, as well as making stop signs to remind Goldilocks not to go into the three bears cottage!


We have had a wonderful week, well done Spring Class!  

Watch Me Grow Topic Map Summer 1

Spring Term 2 Topic Overview - Superheroes

Spring Term Topic Map - Huff, Puff and Gruff

Come And Join The Celebration Topic Map

Mr Dee's Whole School Challenges. Challenge #5 The Quiz

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Mr Dee's Whole School Challenges. Challenge #4

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Mr Dee's Whole School Challenges. Challenge #2 Draw with Rob

Mr Dee's Challenges

Still image for this video

A short message for all of our children.

How to measure a tree (an idea on your free outdoor exercise session!)

Home Learning Due To Self Isolation

Huff, Puff and Gruff Spring Term 1 Overview


