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Welcome to Winter Class!

Winter Class comprises children from Years 5 and 6 - the oldest children in the school. 

The children are taught by Mrs Ellis, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Avery-Hall.  

The children will be set English and Maths homework each week on a Wednesday. This is due in on the following Monday. Much of the English homework will be related to spelling, grammar and punctuation which will prepare the children for the End of Key Stage assessments. 

The Greatest Show: Ye-Ha

We'll Meet Again Topic Information

PGL November 2023

Thursday: it rained! Despite this the children had great fun on the giant swing but unfortunately the camera couldn't cope. All dried out and had a pasta lunch.

Abseiling. The children discovered the faster (but safe way) down the tower.

We armed your children: rifles this time.

Wednesday and we've armed your children


Going underground Tunnel Trail with lots of mud. Here's the practice (t was a bit dark in the tunnels for photos).

Archery tag: aiming high with marshmallows

Jacob's Ladder: A stairway to success

Tuesday Marchant's Hill A Good Breakfast had by all

Zipwire and Climbing


PGL Marchants Hill 2023


Sadly we're experiencing some wi-fi and technology issues.  As a result, we might not be able to provide photographs and videos on a daily basis from PGL.


However, I have been in contact with the group and the staff have texted me the following messages.  (R Price)


'We've had a great day!! 


It was a pretty good night.  There were a few first night nerves but everyone got a good nights sleep.  The children were all very excited this morning.  Breakfast was amazing - bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, baked beans and multiple rounds of toast.  (Disappointingly, my baked beans were touching my bacon but I soldiered on.)


Morning of archery and zip wire and an afternoon of climbing.  Most children completed the zip wire, a few got multiple turns.  


GR and ER are particularly good at orienteering.  


The woods are beautiful at this time of year.


All the children are eating brilliantly with many clean plates - food is the best I've eaten at PGL.  Mr Perry does not need his emergency rations.'  Mr Dee

The Mayans Topic Spring 1 2023

Our Mayan Pyramids

We used the ideas of Mayan patterns to create our own cross stitch designs

St Lucia Topic Autumn 2 2022

Our weaving, using a range of different materials, inspired by the colours of St Lucia

Out of this World: Autumn 1 2022

Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Scrap Bears: we used scraps of fabric to create soft toys in the same way as would have happened in WWII
